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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

One small shift for a man... one giant leap for a sport

Larry Kwong’s career with the New York Rangers lasted literally a New York minute, but his legacy lingers some 65 years after his debut ended in disappointment, losing to the Canadians that night and never to play for the Rangers again. He only skated for one shift, in the third period of one game.
Kwong was the first player of Chinese descent to appear in the N.H.L. Despite for playing in one game, he said: “I broke the ice a little bit,” pointing to the numerous players of Asian ancestry who have since played in the league. “Maybe being the first Chinese player in the N.H.L. gave more of a chance for other Chinese boys that play hockey”. And remember folke, this was before Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers. Full story here
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