- Obama can effectively say nothing about the election for several days, avoiding confrontation and potential blunder. Instead he can speak of the damage and the aftermath.
- This is Obama's chance to be seen as an action man.
- Romney more or less can only watch and reiterate what Obama says. To be critical - foolish. Anything else however will just echo whatever the Obama camp has already said.
- Obama will get countless hours of in-demand and free television and press coverage. Chances of seeing Romney on television in the next 48 hours? 0.
- The days after this hurricane will give Obama more than enough photo-ops with republicans such as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and switch-hitters such as NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg.
- Democrats will cite the much criticized response from the Bush Administration in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
- Just in case Obama needs another advantage, he can enjoy the fact that he is the incumbent.
Apparently so....